What’s Right for You: Renting or Buying?

For many Americans, purchasing a home was a measure of financial success for decades. After the subprime mortgage crisis, people realized buying isn’t always smart but now it seems like we’re taking it to the other extreme. You need to understand the reasons for both to make the proper decision. Normal buying pros: You eliminate […]

In Case Disaster Strikes

Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and wildfires have affected numerous locations across the country. Learn the types of disasters that are likely in your community and the local emergency, and shelter phone numbers, websites, and plans for each specific disaster. So what should you do if your home and community is hit by a natural disaster? […]

Millennials and the Home Buying Experience

Totaling more than 80 million individuals, millennials represent the largest generation in the U.S. By 2025, they will claim three-quarters of all jobs. Also considered the best educated, 35% of 25 to 29-year-olds hold a degree, while at the same time carry some of the highest debt levels due to student loans and credit card […]

How to Conserve Energy During a Polar Vortex

Winters can get expensive when it comes to energy costs. The amount of energy required to heat your home increases when temperatures drop. The greater the difference between the temperature outside and the thermostat setting inside, the harder your heating system will work and the more energy it will use. This is true even if […]

How to Become a Homeowner in Florida

If you’ve ever wanted to buy a house in Florida, you’ll need to go through a lot of steps. In this article, we provide an overview of how to become a homeowner in Florida. Budget You need to know exactly how much home you can afford before you begin your home search. The mortgage payment […]

How do the Best Mortgage Lenders in Florida Handle Bad Credit?

Most people believe they are ineligible for a loan when they have poor credit. This isn’t true at all. There are programs that work with lenders to assist in providing a home to those whose credit needs some work. In this article, we’ll look at the two main programs the best mortgage lenders in Texas […]

How the Fed’s Interest Rate Hike Affects Your Mortgage

This week, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the third time in 2018. This quarter-percentage rate increase brought the federal funds rate into the target range of 2 – 2.25 percent. The committee sets monetary policy, primarily by raising or lowering the Fed’s target for the federal funds rate, which is used as the […]

What to Prepare Before Disaster Strikes

Every part of the world is susceptible to natural disaster, as we’ve seen in the USA this year. Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and wildfires have affected numerous locations across the country. Learn about the types of disasters that are likely in your community and the local emergency, and shelter phone numbers, websites, and plans for […]

Are You Ready for Disaster?

No one wants them to happen, but disasters can occur anywhere at any time—especially during hurricane season and wildfire season. To endure an already stressful situation a little more easily, you should prepare not only an emergency kit, but also an evacuation plan for your family. No matter whether you need to evacuate or shelter […]

How to Survive Buying a House¶

Preparation¶ You’ll probably start entertaining the idea of looking for a home years before you’re totally financially prepared. It can be daunting, but it will give you a better idea of what you want, like a master suite, basement, or garage apartment. Using online mortgage calculators you’ll also be able to get a rough idea […]