Memorable Open House Ideas

You spruced up the curb appeal and decluttered the house, but a clean house alone is the bare minimum. You’ve used your social selling skills to mass-market across the internet, and the price is right. These are all vital first steps in getting a listing noticed, but hosting an open house is still a terrific […]

Downsizing for Empty Nesters and Retirees

It sounds so satisfying, in a way, the prospect of working your whole life and then retiring—it’s a goal most of us have, to reach for a reward for decades of toil. With no deadlines to meet, no schedules to keep, no one to answer to, retirement means time to travel, engage in hobbies there […]

Top Ten Reasons to Use a Mortgage Broker

Working with a direct lender like a bank may seem like the thing to do—but an independent third party can offer impartial advice. A mortgage broker has access to a much wider array of products; a mortgage broker’s services can help you make sound financial decisions. Still not convinced? Take a look at these 10 […]

Advice for Single Homebuyers

Home-buying trends have changed over the last decade, and in today’s new market, more single homebuyers are entering the real estate market than ever before. And, single women have now outpaced single men as a percentage of homebuyers—a whopping 21 percent of all new home purchases are credited to single women. Single men and women […]

Is renovating your kitchen before a home sale worth it?

When it comes time to selling a home, homeowners often consider remodeling to try to increase the market value. Remodeling may be smart in some circumstances, but it can also be a double-edged sword: While most home sellers would be unwise to do absolutely nothing to improve their homes before they sell, they’d be equally […]

The Basics of the USDA Loan

Do you seem more comfortable surrounded by pastures than pavement? If so, buying a home in a rural setting might be well within reach, thanks to the U.S. Department of Agriculture mortgage program. In fact, the USDA has one of the government’s least-known mortgage assistance programs. Issued through the USDA loan program, also known as […]