Top 10 Inexpensive Ways to Improve Your Home to Sell

Whether you’re preparing to sell your home or perhaps want to improve it inexpensively for your own enjoyment to consider selling later, here are 10 good strategies for you to consider. The actual cost and return on investment for each project will vary, depending on both your home’s condition, age, and real estate values in […]

Is renovating your kitchen before a home sale worth it?

When it comes time to selling a home, homeowners often consider remodeling to try to increase the market value. Remodeling may be smart in some circumstances, but it can also be a double-edged sword: While most home sellers would be unwise to do absolutely nothing to improve their homes before they sell, they’d be equally […]

Ways to Brighten Up Your Living Room this Winter

Winter days are short. Many of them can be dark, gloomy, and full of dramatic weather. Since you’ll probably be spending most of your time indoors to avoid the cold, you might want to make your home as bright and cheery as possible. A few easy and inexpensive changes can make a big difference. Screens […]

Growing Food Through the Cold Season

Sure, you can extend summer’s harvest into fall, but the really impressive gardening happens in the dead of winter. With a few low-tech tools, you can protect plants from hard freezes and harvest fresh food for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner and beyond. Season-Extending Techniques Hardy varieties: Some varieties of garden plants simply grow better in […]

All About Credit Scores

The truth is, many consumers are confused about credit, with good reason—it’s a complicated subject. While a large majority of consumers (more than 80%) know the basics of credit scores, they’re still lost when it comes to some very important details, a 2016 survey from the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and VantageScore Solutions, LLC, […]